We welcome our parishioners to choose from many available options to share their talents in the liturgical ministries of the Basilica Parish:
Eucharistic Ministers / Homebound Ministry Lay men and women who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass or bring the Eucharist to the sick and infirmed in private homes, hospitals, and to facilities of care. Special training, education, and on-going formation will provided.
Lectors Lay men and women who proclaim the Word of God at all liturgies. Candidates must have the ability to read in a public setting. A short briefing along with proper protocol will be provided.
Altar Servers Parents are asked to encourage their children to participate as Altar Servers. Training and guidance will be provided on an ongoing basis to make them as comfortable as possible in a public setting. Open to both boys and girls after they have received their First Holy Communion.
Greeters / Ushers A team of men and women whose goal is to provide a positive impression while they greet arriving parishioners and visitors, assist in seating, collect the offerings, and distribute bulletins.
Music Ministry For information about our choir and liturgical music, click here.